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Dating Right. A Concise Guide.

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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rriage, despite being the basis of a society has become the most affected and threated institution in the world. As days go by people have become more intelli- gent in innovations but over time missing out on the basics that form a relationship, especially family relationship. It’s evident that many people make their greatest mistakes in dating, many having to give up on dreams ,abort unwanted pregnan- cies, others having to become parents without intent, others getting terminal illnesses, others committing to predators, getting abused leaving them permanent scars, others getting conned and the list is endless, Over time it’s evident that divorce rate has increased two fold, having many people getting married 2 to 10 times in a lifetime, having children with different partners and having broken fami- lies all over. This has a direct effect of having successful individuals but a failing society. There is therefore a need to have an updated philosophy towards the setting-up of a family that is in line with the current realities and time. This book “Dating Right” by Benjamin Zulu offers updated, researched and tested philosophy with specific actions to look through and take during your dating season to ensure you establish a successful marriage and in turn a society as wel

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USD 7.77


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Before You Say ''I DO''; Foundational Principles for Building a Marriage that La

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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ou accept someone for marriage when they don't have the degree of responsibility and character needed, you will suffer. That much we know from our previous book Dating Right. But now there's the question of following the right process after you've found the one and before saying 'I Do.' Some people don't want the discomfort of commitment and growth; they would rather jump straight to the good part. Yet this action poisons the entire union. They appear ready, but deep down, they are driven by raw desire rather than preparedness. This book, "BEFORE YOU SAY ''I Do '" by Benjamin Zulu, explains the principles of laying the foundation for a solid union. What should you do after you find someone you match with? What questions should you ask? What are the absolute do's and don'ts? What cracks will become a fatal flaw down the line? Being in love can be confusing. You can establish a bad union even with the right person if you don't put the right things first. This book guides you through these issues.There's more to a marriage's life than just love and romance. You need to get rooted in your convictions and marry in a way that upholds those convictions if you want a peaceful l

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Healing Your Inner Self To Commence Your Best Life

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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wound may not be your fault, but the healing is your responsibility. It's unfair how they hurt you, but is it fair to continue sitting in the hurt they threw you into? Sometimes you're forced to fix things you didn't mess up. But if those things are your own life and well-being, complaining or getting into self-pity only prolongs your suffering. The best comeback is not to become like those who hurt you. If they were bitter and uncaring, you should try and become happy and caring. If they ruined relationships and repaid good with evil, you should treasure those who care about you and remain loyal to your friends. You must avoid allowing anger over what they did to fester within you and corrupt your personality until you become a bitter and insensitive person just like them. The book 'HEALING YOUR INNER SELF TO COMMENCE YOUR BEST LIFE' by Benjamin Zulu is a copy recommended for everyone who wishes to live a happy and ful illing life despite the pain they have gone thro

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Millionaire Moves

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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USD 15.53


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How to Recognise and Deal With Toxic Relationships

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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metimes you\\\\u0027re dating for coupling but the person you\\\\u0027re with is dating fot coping. You\\\\u0027re looking for love but they\\\\u0027re looking for relief. They know they\\\\u0027re hurting and wounded but they avoid taking the route of healing and Instead they seek to just feel better. And you\\\\u0027re the pill. They know they should face the real issues that are hurting them, grieve the things they lost, make adjustments and come to terms with their life as it is now. But no, that\\\\u0027s too much work and too uncomfortable. They rather distract themselves with a relationship, a feel good experience. This book \\\\u0022How to recognise and deal with toxic relationships\\\\u0022 by Benjamin Zulu exposes the symptoms, breeding grounds and different kinds of toxic relationships, how to come out of such and how to vaccinate yourself against either becoming toxic or falling into such a relationshi

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Author: Benjamin Zulu

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Dreams Before Dating. A Critical Guide For Every Pre-25

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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book is a real masterpiece that gears to solve a real problem in the world of pre 25s. The incredible wisdom bestowed upon these pages is fit enough to save a generation from a whole lot more stress and dream stealing encounters in relationships. It has been edited in the simplest straightforward design to help you capture the content by glimpse. The chapters have been crafted to only last a page or two to impact the reader effectively. Read a few nuggets of these chapters every day, and your life is going to be set for a course that will see you achieve your dreams with e

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USD 7.77


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The Young Visionary

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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The one regret that many adults walk around with is, 'If only I knew then what I know now, my life would be very different.' This book is aimed at saving young people from such life-altering gaps in knowledge. Youth is such a fertile season in that what you sow there tends to grow with you, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. This book is a consummation of wisdom and tricks from Benjamin Zulu's over 15 years of experience to help every young person plant the right things.

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Mastery. The Psychology of Personal success

Author: Benjamin Zulu

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sults are merely confirmations of value received. You will not harvest a good life when you\\\\u2019ve planted nothing except neglectful living. To reap the fruits of success, one must diligently plant the seeds of hard work and determination. In this side of existence all finding is reserved for those who seek, knock, and ask. Those whose moves are requisitely. That\\\\u2019s the law set in motion by the Designer. If you want something, your energy should show the desire and determination. Wishing alone is useless. The book \\\\u0022MASTERY\\\\u0022 by Benjamin Zulu, is specific guide on how you can maximize on your season and shift your outcomes to what you dreamed of within a very short time. It\\\\u2019s targeted to address the obvious challenges that people go through in life that hold them back and make failures. With this copy in your hand you only need to take action based on this wisdom to succeed. You write down the vision and then use it as a map to run in that directio

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USD 15.53


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