Healing Your Inner Self To Commence Your Best Life
4.86/5.0 (231 rating(s))
wound may not be your fault, but the healing is your responsibility. It's unfair how they hurt you, but is it fair to continue sitting in the hurt they threw you into? Sometimes you're forced to fix things you didn't mess up. But if those things are your own life and well-being, complaining or getting into self-pity only prolongs your suffering. The best comeback is not to become like those who hurt you. If they were bitter and uncaring, you should try and become happy and caring. If they ruined relationships and repaid good with evil, you should treasure those who care about you and remain loyal to your friends. You must avoid allowing anger over what they did to fester within you and corrupt your personality until you become a bitter and insensitive person just like them. The book 'HEALING YOUR INNER SELF TO COMMENCE YOUR BEST LIFE' by Benjamin Zulu is a copy recommended for everyone who wishes to live a happy and ful illing life despite the pain they have gone thro
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